Thursday 25 June 2009

Day Three?

By this time the days are starting to mesh together. Today we woke up and took a relaxing walk down to the beach, after some of us took a swim, and then Char and i took a very long nap. Al the interns going to kingston loaded up and went to the airport to meet our team! Unfortunately half the team got stuck in Memphis so they will have to come meet us tomorrow, i still haven't gotten to do a show yet this summer. After we loaded up the 8 Whitters kids who made me we started our four hour drive to Kingston. I got to sit next to another inter Mike, who is from Wisconson. Matt will be starting college this year ,and is planning on purposing to his girlfriend, so i had a lot of fun things to talk about on the bus (: We got to our hotel at about seven, got situated and atee dinner. right now some of us are sitting around a table listening to Michale Jackson, because we just found out he died. We are als waiting for our sechudel for the week, since we don't have it yet.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just so you know, I didn't edit this post.

  3. Haley,
    Your mom just forwarded me your blog site...I already had Charlotte's...We'll be following your blog and praying for you!!

    The Datria Family

  4. Come, we go down... come, we go down... (sing along) Come, we go down to Kingston Market...

  5. By the time I'm writing this, I am hopeful that the team is all together and that you are busy performing shows... We will keep praying for the team and for your busy schedule. Also, we are praying that you all stay healthy and safe. Love you!
