Wednesday 24 June 2009

If your intrested

Charlotte has a blog too, we both blog together, its cute.
if you would like to read what she has to say follow her too!
her url is (:
ohh & the Chino team came in, they're nice, all my roommates are over 18, im a baby,

mom- i'm probably going to need to you buy some more things, and send them with someone from Horizons, i'll let you know farther in the week, it'll be things like water bottles and itching cream, i love you ans miss you (:


  1. I'm following Charlotte now too. I will talk to Troy and see what is reasonable to send. Anti-itch cream is no problem. Water might be difficult. Is there anywhere you can buy it? Do you need some extra money? You should be able to email me directly and send me a list of what you need. We can figure out before the team leaves.
    Love you, Mom

  2. She doesn't need water, just like a nalgene bottle.

  3. Hey Haley.... It's Lory Owsley from church. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and Charlotte and the rest of the Jamaica Team. You are an awesome person and I am glad to know you and your family. God bless you and Charlotte as you do Gods work.
